A Detailed Guide on Dental Crowns Procedure

 Dental crowns Houston are teeth-like-shaped caps that are placed over the damaged teeth, thus protecting the surrounding teeth from damage. Enhancements in dentistry have made everything possible, and treatment can done in just a few hours or on the same day. Moreover, you can get a customised crown in just one visit, thus saving time and money. The best part about dental crowns is that they are made from a variety of materials, including metal, porcelain, ceramic, and gold crowns. It looks like natural teeth, as no one will be able to identify that you are wearing crowns.

What is the lifespan of dental crowns?

Dental crowns can often last between 5  to 15 years, but their lifespan depends on various things, such as how you’re taking care of them, whether you're following oral hygiene practices or not, follow-ups with the dentist, and avoiding habits like teeth grinding. Crowns may be worn or torn down over time, and the lifespan of crowns also depends on the material you've chosen. You need to make follow-up appointments with the dentist for effective care and maintenance. Consult the same day emergency dentist if you observe any issues like pain or cracks in your crowns. Remember that a properly maintained crown can offer a stunning and useful solution for a considerable amount of time.

Step-By-Step Guide For Dental Crowns

Fixing dental crowns is one of the common dental processes that help to restore damaged or weakened teeth. Let’s delve into the detailed process:-


Consultation with the Dentist

The dental crown procedure begins with a consultation, and one must have a healthy discussion with them regarding the need for a dental crown. The dentist will cross-check your teeth and let you know whether a crown is the right solution for you or not.


Tooth Preparation

After making a final decision, the dentist will prepare your teeth by eliminating plaque or tartar, if any. 


Next, impressions will be taken by a dental crowns houston tx, to provide a customised-fit crown. While taking the impression, healthcare professionals will capture photos of your teeth to match the shape and size of your natural tooth.

Temporary Crown Placement

Until the permanent crown is ready, the dentist will cover the affected area with a temporary crown. This helps maintain the tooth functionality, aesthetics, and appearance of a smile.

Placements of a permanent crown

After preparing a permanent crown, the dentist places it on the prepared area to ensure a proper fit, makes necessary adjustments, and then cements the crown into its actual place.


Are dental crowns painful?

This is a typical mindset that dental crowns are painful, but actually, it’s not like that. Dentists use general or local anesthesia to numb the affected area. They take care of patient comfort during the procedure. 



Crowns are an excellent choice for people dealing with damaged, chipped, or misaligned teeth. But they require proper care and maintenance to keep them in good condition for long-lasting. Contact a local dentist open on saturday and discuss with them related questions and clarify all your doubts regarding the dental crown procedure


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